Kiilto adhesives

Explore Kiilto’s range of adhesives via the links below. Click on a product to see the product page, for an easy view of the technical details, approvals and product brochure, and a direct link to the safety data sheet.

Kiilto’s floor-covering adhesives are safe to use

Kiilto’s floor covering adhesives have been researched and tested. They are safe to use so long as the manufacturer’s instructions are followed. By complying with good building practices and the materials’ instructions, risks due to factors such as harmful moisture left under the covering can be minimised during installation.

Such problems may be cause when leaving old surface structures under a new floor, for example. When left in place, old surfaces can cause major problems which are difficult to anticipate. For this reason, we recommend that you remove all old surface structures, from levelling compounds to bonding agents, before laying new flooring. If you do leave an old surface under new flooring, make sure that the surface structures are compatible (e.g. when installing textile tiles on top of an old watertight surface).

The substrate must be sufficiently dry when the new surface is installed. When installing a surface structure, you should evaluate the humidity of the concrete and alkaline effects. Ensure that the installation conditions are within the limits set for the materials. When covering floor tiles, it is very important to take note of and ensure that the conditions (temperature and moisture) are right during installation, and when the facility is used.

Read Kiilto’s floor-covering system guidelines below, for further details on the selection and suitability of levelling compounds and adhesives.

We developed the Kiilto Floor-covering system so that you can be certain that a product will work in a given building. The guide will help you to ensure a safe choice of adhesive when installing floors. Designers and the people in charge of moisture control at construction sites have to be sure that the installation method and conditions are right.

The use of adhesives and their behaviour with plastic mats is a research topic at Tampere University. On this page, we will present information on the further results and conclusions of such research.

Lattian- ja seinänpäällysteliitto ry (the Floor and Wall Covering Association of Finland) has published ’Näin päällystät oikein’ (How to cover a surface), which you can read below.

Lattian- ja seinänpäällysteliitto ry (the Floor and Wall Covering Association of Finland) – Näin päällystät oikein (How to cover a surface)

Click here for further details on adhesives, and features related to their design and use.

Petri Heljo
Business Development Manager